1. Getting Started

We will start by login in with AWS, creating resources that will be needed throughout the tutorial and bootstrapping a Juju controller.

Login to AWS

Login to AWS using the AWS CLI:

aws configure

You will be asked to provide your AWS credentials and the region. The rest of this tutorial assumes that the region is us-east-2.

Create AWS resources

Create a security group

Create a security group in your default AWS VPC:

aws ec2 create-security-group --group-name "magma" --description "Allow All" --vpc-id <your VPC ID>

Note the GroupId and use it to add a wildcard rule:

aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-id <security group ID> --protocol -1 --port -1 --cidr

Create a subnet

Create a subnet called S1:

aws ec2 create-subnet --vpc-id <your VPC ID> --cidr-block --availability-zone us-east-2a --tag-specifications 'ResourceType=subnet,Tags=[{Key=Name,Value=s1}]'

Make sure to use a cidr-block that fits into your default VPC block.

Note the SubnetId. You will need it to complete this tutorial.

Bootstrap a Juju controller on AWS

Bootstrap a Juju controller on AWS:

juju bootstrap aws/us-east-2