4. Integrating Magma Access Gateway with Magma Orchestrator

Integrate Magma Access Gateway with Magma Orchestrator

Offer an application endpoint from Orchestrator:

juju offer orc8r.orc8r-nginx:orchestrator
juju consume orc8r.orc8r-nginx

Relate Magma Access Gateway with Orchestrator:

juju relate orc8r-nginx:orchestrator magma-access-gateway-operator

Wait for the application to go back to Active-Idle:

ubuntu@host:~$ juju status
Model  Controller     Cloud/Region   Version  SLA          Timestamp
edge   aws-us-east-2  aws/us-east-2  2.9.42   unsupported  16:09:01-05:00

App                            Version  Status  Scale  Charm                          Channel  Rev  Exposed  Message
magma-access-gateway-operator           active      1  magma-access-gateway-operator  stable    29  no       

Unit                              Workload  Agent  Machine  Public address  Ports  Message
magma-access-gateway-operator/0*  active    idle   0         

Machine  State    Address         Inst id                Series  AZ  Message
0        started  manual:  focal       Manually provisioned machine

Fetch the Access Gateway’s Hardware ID and Challenge Key and note those values:

juju run-action magma-access-gateway-operator/0 get-access-gateway-secrets --wait

The output should look like:

ubuntu@host:~$ juju run-action magma-access-gateway-operator/0 get-access-gateway-secrets --wait
  UnitId: magma-access-gateway-operator/0
  id: "22"
    challenge-key: MHYwEAYHKoZIzj0CAQYFK4EEACIDYgAE4bFCLDcHSi0fmESrejkTdJlBk/Mi/z/30VoV3dYTwWmOo1+xBjUjnMMBpWWlUbmdyOaSk32xg4/Pa9gq6gBj37INrB2zbgBfi5kdHbyFzbuIjak919/m5739tIb3NCYR
    hardware-id: 26236e99-f06d-4686-a888-696c7f2910c9
  status: completed
    completed: 2023-03-17 11:47:24 +0000 UTC
    enqueued: 2023-03-17 11:47:20 +0000 UTC
    started: 2023-03-17 11:47:23 +0000 UTC

Create a network in Magma Orchestrator

Create a user in the magma-test organization:

  1. Login to the host Orchestrator organization at this address: https://host.nms.<your domain>.

  2. Click on the user+ icon next to the magma-test organization

  3. Add a user with the following attributes:

    • email: admin@juju.com

    • password: password123

    • role: Super User

Create a network in the magma-test organization:

  1. Login to the magma-test organization at this address: https://magma-test.nms.<your domain>. Use the credentials from the previous step.

  2. Click on “Add Network”

  3. Fill in the following values:

    • Network ID: my-network

    • Network Name: my-network

    • Description: my-network

    • Network Type: lte

Change the Network configuration

  1. Click on the “Network” tab on the left pane

  2. Next to the “EPC” box, click on “Edit”

  3. Change the following values:

    • MCC: 001

    • MNC: 01

    • TAC: 7

  4. Click on “Save”

Add the Access Gateway to the network

  1. Navigate to “Equipment” via the left pane

  2. Click on “Add New”

  3. Fill in the following values:

    • Gateway Name: my-gateway

    • Gateway ID: my-gateway

    • Hardware UUID: <Access Gateway Hardware ID>

    • Gateway Description: my-gateway

    • Challenge Key: <Access Gateway Challenge Key>

  4. Click on “Save and Continue”. You should ignore the next tabs and continue clicking on “Save and Continue”.

  5. Click on “my-gateway”

  6. You should see your gateway’s health go to “Good” after a few minutes

Gateway Add